Sunday, June 25, 2006

Fixel passed away 2 days ago. Initially he wasn't eating anything and my dad thought that he was sick. And then later he collapsed and could not stand up. I thought he was sicked and wanted to separate him from Pixel. But when I put him in another cage, he could not even stand up and lay on the floor of the cage. I immediately bring him to the vet. On the way there, he tried to stand up but he couldn't. The vet thought that there's something wrong with his intestine or so, and suggest him to be hospitalised. And I agreed. Before I go, I stroke him one last time. And as soon as I leave, he gave up on his life. The vet called and told me that he had passed on after I leave. They found some dried food in his throat. He must have choked on his food. And my dad went to the cage and found the water bottle empty. If I had remembered to check on the water when I put the food in, he would not have died.


At 1:28 PM , Blogger Tyra Banks said...

aww sorry about the little bunny, was cute though


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