Monday, December 31, 2007

On this last day of the year, instead of hubbing over what went wrong, I'll summarised what I have learnt:

Almost a whole year of unemployment. A totally new experience for me. Went relief teaching for the first half of the year while finishing up my Masters programme. Really enjoy relief teaching as there's no responsibility. During the period there, I've learnt that a good school is very important. Because, parents, no matter what, will not be as influential as frens. Nobody can change another person unless they themselves want to change. And lastly, there's no point studying hard only at the last minute. I've seen my NA girls coming to me at the last minute and in the end can't get the results they wanted.

The feeling of working for oneself is really great. Unlike those days when we work for others, in which no matter what we do, we get the same pay every month. But now, the amount of effort we put in can be seen almost instantaneously. I've learnt that one must always look at the positive side. And most importantly, to learn from mistakes. To look for another route of survival when one route closes.

My value of money and food also changes. The me that used to eat at restaurants almost everyday is gone. And what u get now is someone who even think that $2 for a meal is expensive and can skip meals to save up that money to be put into business.


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