Sunday, July 06, 2008

We tend to get too "involved" in ourselves. We forgot to look beyond ourselves, and perhaps even this life. There's a continuation of us, far beyond what we can see. Just because we cannot see it doesn't mean it does not exist. And just because we cannot see it makes us so much indulge in ourselves, in this life tat whatever pain or death that comes along, we take it as bad. Look far and beyond.

The Conservation of Energy- Energy cannot be created or destroyed. We, ourselves are energy. At atomic level, every atoms in our body possess energy. In solid, atoms vibrate abt fixed position. Liquid, molecules slide pass one another. Gas, particles move at high energy randomly. In our body, majority is liquid, so the molecules, which slides past one another, possess energy. So we are a collective of energy. On the macroscopic view, every object possess energy. Moving object has kinetic energy, an object high up has potential energy, battery has stored energy. So everything is energy too. When we move, we have kinetic energy. Even when we are not doing anything, our body stores food in the form of glycogen in the muscles for future use. So it's a form of stored energy.

The electromagnetic spectrum- from Gamma ray to Radio wave. Our eyes can only see and conceptualise waves of wavelength 400nm to 700 nm, which is only a tiny fraction of the whole spectrum. But can we deny the fact that the rest does not exist just because we cannot see it? The same way, a table or a chair that we are sitting on. We can feel that, touch that, because the frequency of vibration can be conceptualised by our senses. It is perhaps comparable to the "400nm to 700nm" region that our eye can see.

What on earth is not made of atoms? If atom is energy, everything is energy. A thought sent out, is energy itself. Energy possess frequency. Things resonate when the frequency matches the natural frequency and the amplitude increase many fold. So a thought, which is a frequency itself, will resonate and comes back to you.


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