Friday, March 13, 2009

Ivy said that my blogging will not have much results, as in generate income. As in the blog, . As mentioned, the blog is my 5th source of income. And she said that it will not generate much traffic. Well, nobody knows. Maybe even if it's not going to work, I've tried. Isn't it that the most important part to try and fail rather than to "fail" without trying? And at least I learn something out of it.

Most people are just too scared to try new things. Leaving the comfort zone is a big no no for them. And they're in the same vicious cycle years after years after years after years. Trying new things, for them is like asking them to jump from a plane. And before they jump, they already say that they will die. Mmm.. I jump out of a plane before... at a height of 8000 feet.... and of course with parachute.


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