Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It's always the hardest to step out of ur comfort zone, to brave the uncertainty. Some of my frens always talk about changing jobs but till now they're still in the same old job. Human beings are afraid of the unknown. Just like death. No one knows what awaits them after death, that's why they're afraid to die. No one knows what will happen after they quit, that's why they are still holding on to it. But hold for how long?

I remembered the day when I wanted to tell my superior that I wanted to quit. A few days before it, I was wondering what will happen if I quit. There's the risk out there, do I want to take the risk? What if I can't get a job? What if I dun like the new job? What if something happen to my family and I need money? What if, what if... There's endless of "what if".

Somehow I believe that when one door close, another will open. Unless u close the door, the other door will not open. Heaven wun let u die just like that. And therefore, I pluck up my courage to tell my superior that I wanted to quit.

To those who wanted to quit: Just quit! Don't procrastinate. If not, one day u'll find that u're too old to quit. Or u have too many committments to quit.

Give your life a second chance, a Another Beginning.....


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