Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Butterfly Effect

It is said that when a butterfly flaps its wings in one part of the world, it creates a tornado at the other part of the world.

The above sentence, is merely trying to say that whatever small thing we do, it has a chain effect and may lead to a bigger event.

Just like a simple smile that u give to the person beside u may brighten his day and may prevent a conflict with his superior later in the day, which would otherwise get him fired and financial problems for his family of 5.

A soldier pulling the trigger may kill his enemy, who is the sole breadwinner for his family. The family may get into hardship and the son may grow up to hate the opponent and enters the war etc etc... and the chain effect goes on and on... more and more serious.

Our mind, just having the thots of hating someone, may inevitably cause us to respond in such a way to project our hatred for him. That person senses it and react to us in a negative manner. This further reinforce ourselves that the person dislike or hate us and we'll respond in a more aggressive manner and the loop continues...


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