Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I can fully understand why Kaw Sen says that he would rather not have kids next time if they were to behave like his students now. Kids (I define kids to be those who have no financial background and are using their parents money) tend to think that the whole world owe them everything. They think that their parents owe them a lot, the society owes them a lot. They think that they deserve all of the best things and things will come to them without working for it. They think that everything will remain as it is 20 years down the road. They think that they can survive with $10 a day for the rest of their lives. They think that they're already grown up when they dun even know what is work. They think that their friends are the best and stick around with them. They think that their friends will help them in whatever they do. They think that if they cannot support themselves their friends will support them for the rest of their lives. They think that their ego and pride is worth more than their future. They think that by critising teachers, they're seen to be more superior. They want the best, but dun want to do anything to get it. They want to do well, but dun want to study. They think they're the best, and will get good results without any effort. They think that students from the top 50 secondary schools are idiots.

If there's any kid reading this, they think that they know everything that i wrote but wun do anything to change and to carry on this stupid ideals... Kids, ur so called ideals can only make u "feel superior" for a few minutes, and feel stupid for the rest of ur lives...

I think I agree with Kaw Sen...


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