Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Have we forgotten ourselves in the midst of our daily chores? What is the kind of life that you want?

I want a simple life. Maybe a rural area, or a suburb, surrounded by nature. Whereby there's rivers, mountains, and sky. Whereby the life is simple, everyone around is simple. No need to beware of anyone, everyone is friend, harmless to each other. Everyone is just they themselves, no need to put on mask everyday.

I like to be in tune with nature, whereby there's no computers, no internet, no handphone, no tall buildings. A few years ago, for a few days, I experienced this kind of life. Surrounded by nature, with no modern facilities- no handphone, internet, warm water.... Feeling so peaceful with everything, with the environment, with nature. I talked to the flowers, greeted them "good morning". But I can't find such feeling back here.


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