Monday, October 15, 2007

The only constant thing in the world is change. Irony, yet the truth. The paradigm had changed... so fast, so constant. Those who can't catch up simply fall out from the rat race..

Was talking to Horng Lee last night and he mentioned that he scolded his student who did badly for her J1 promo till she cried. Unknown to her she had actually pass only one subject but her Geography teacher remark her paper in order to help her pass.

The school system is too kind to students. Why should the students deserve to advance to the next level when they dun meet the mark? Why should the teacher remark her paper to help her pass when in actual fact she should fail? Being so kind to them, they'll just take things for granted in future. The outside world is never going to be so kind to them. Are they actually helping them or harming them? If she dun make the mark, she should fail and retain one year. It doesn't do her any good for her to advance up to the next level. She wants to be promoted, what have she done to deserve that promotion?

Luckily I'm not in Ministry of Education. If not a lot of students will repeat.... The school should be a place for them to make mistakes and learn from it, cos even the fiercest teacher has compassion for the students, but not the society...


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