Saturday, March 01, 2008

Finally ended my 2 weeks of "ordeal" as relief teacher. However, the principal asked me to come back as a co teacher next term. Flexible, so I chose to go back 2 times a week. Exact responsibility not confirm yet. Well, extra bucks for me.

Yesterday was leap year. So was it supposed to be a special day? I only know it's a busy day for me. And I am a bit irritable. School till abt 2, then had to wait for a student to get her A maths answer from me. And in the end she did not come and I heard that she did not even do the A maths paper. So I was thinking "Forget it. Since she dun wan to help herself, I dun wan to help her." Was pleased that at least the guy whom I gave the paper to, he tried his best.

Rushed to Malaysia for haircut. And then in the evening had to rush back to drive my sister home. And then rush again to Yishun for viewing. The client did not come- made a wasted trip. In this world, 1 + 1 is never equal to 2. Waiting with the other agent till 9pm, and then rushed to West Mall. Rush, rush and rush the whole day.


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