Monday, July 14, 2008

Everyone has a closed mind. It's just a matter of how they "boxed up" their mind. Some people's mind is closed around themselves, some closed around their family, some closed around their belief, some around their country, some around the world, some around the universe. A person who constantly argues and insist to be right, had closed his mind. A person who refute others' belief had closed his mind. A person who says he is right had closed his mind.

A person who thinks he is right had closed his mind around himself. A person who believes that blood is thicker than water had closed his mind around his family. A person who refute other religion had closed his mind around his belief. A person who believes "those who dies for his country" is a hero had closed his mind. A person who believes all aliens are evil had closed his mind. A person who has the concept of right and wrong had closed his mind. And the person who wrote this and say that everyone has a closed mind had closed his mind.


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