Something happened to my wrist.. And this is the final result:

Allergy. To something that is so cheap. Cheap till nobody wants it and throw it on the floor at times. Hand itch, swollen, and blisters formed. So bad till doctors and nurses have a shock. Went to my GP and ten to the skin centre the next day. Setback by $114.
And the culprit is....

Didn't know I'm allergy to rubber band till now... In school gave students the worksheet and put it on my wrist. And it starts to get itchy by late afternoon, and by the night it starts to blisters. Poke a few blisters and the water oozes out from night till the next day evening.
The human body is like that. 1st time slight reaction, subsequent the reaction will get more and more violent. And that is the same way it responds to foreign host. So the next time it happens, I dunno how violent my body will respond..
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