Friday, June 26, 2009

Everyone wants to be rich, but nobody wants to take risk. Our mind always wants the short cut. We want to win lottery, we want to win lucky draws, we want to inherit a fortune. These are all the easy way out. But so what if u get all these? Without the right mindset, even if we get these sudden fortune, we'll lose it very fast.

I wrote as a nick in my msn, "Let's spin money" and "I want to be disgusting... disgustingly rich" and many respond that they want to be rich too. But what have they done to get to that goal? Is it a may have, should have, or must have? Some ask me how I wanted to be rich, what's my plan? If I tell them my plan is through trading and shares, a lot will say that it's too risky. People dun wan to get out of the comfort zone to get their goal, if that is their goal. We're too afraid to leave our comfort zone. We're afraid that we may lose out everything, as in without getting ur goal, and lose our previous comfort.

Perhaps things are that strange. We need to prove that we can handle small fortunes before we are presented with bigger fortunes. If we cannot even handle a mere $10,000, we will not be able to attract or be presented with $100,000 by the universe.


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