Friday, April 10, 2009

When everyone is looking for job security, I am not looking for it. In fact, I am looking for financial security. Job security does not mean financial security, although job is a form of providing for our financial means. A job is only one of the many forms. There are many ways a person can become financially independent without a "proper" job. On the contrary, a person may have a "proper" job, but never financially independent.

I have problems when people ask me what I work as or what's my job. Strictly speaking, I have no job, but I have a few sources of income. A job is to provide a source of income, so why bother to have a job when u already have some sources of income?

Went out to buy dinner and was observing the hawkers. They are businessman, they run their own business. One packet of food cost $3, and perhaps the cost price is $1.50. So for every packet of food, they earn $1.50. On average, if the rental is $10,000 a month, the first 6667 packets is used to cover for rental of the store. 6667 packets.... Think even if the store is very popular, it'll take a few weeks to sell 6667 packets. And if we assume they take 3 weeks to sell 6667 packets, one day they need to sell 317 packets. Normally a store opens for about 8 hours, so on average one hour they have to sell 39 packets. If he earns $1.50 per packet, he earns $59.50 an hour

A teacher, on the other hand, earns much much less than a hawker per hour. Let's say a teacher earns $4500 net per month. One day he puts in 12 hours into school related work, like teaching, admin, marking etc. Let's just say that they work 5 days week, weekends totally free, which is very unlikely, they're only paid $18.75 an hour. Compared to a hawker, they're paid $40.78 less an hour.

Yes, a hawker may earn more money than an average salaried man, but it is through a lot of hard work and sweat, no mc, no leave, 7 days a week. Is there a better way than to get the money bit by bit, dollar by dollar? I'm a lazy person. To ask me to get the kind of money a hawker gets is definitely great, but to ask me to work like them is definitely a no no. I'm looking for the kind of job, or I should not say job, the kind of income that requires less work than a teacher, much less, and earn more than a hawker. In our normal social context, it only happens at night, when one is dreaming, but I'm looking at it from outside the common social context. There's only 24 hours a day. And we can't be physically working 2 jobs at the same time. For example a person can't work as a teacher and an accountant at the same time as they have the same working hours. They cannot be at 2 different places at the same time. Therefore we are all physically constraint by time. In that 24 hours, we can only have one job at one time.


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