Saturday, April 18, 2009

Has the worst part of the storm past? Nobody knows. But it seems that many are still in their dreams. Many are still hoping the government will do something so that the storm will blow over soon, but what the government can do is very limited.

Was chatting with the VP of the school and she said that teachers lead a very sheltered life. Those living in the outside world are more sensitive to the fluctuations in society. Because of the so called iron rice bowl, people get comfortable, or too comfortable, and therefore refuse to change or to take action.

As what Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his book "Prophecy", self employed and employees move from one "chicken coop" to another, seeking shelter. When the storm comes, they just pray that their chicken coop is strong enough to withstand it. There's nothing they can do except to pray. But for those outside the chicken coop, they enjoy the storm. They party when the storm arrives.

Just like the current economic situations, as many are worried for their rice bowl, those investors are actually the most happy. To then it's just like the Great Singapore Sale, for them to buy cheap companies, cheap stocks. Those professional trader knows that when the market is on the way up, they earn, and when the market is on the way down, they earn too!! When the market is on the way down they earn more, cos the bull climbs up the stairs, the bear jumps down.


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