Thursday, May 19, 2011

Been very free these days.. And doing nothing gives myself the impression that I'm not earning much this month. On the contrary, when I have a lot of relief teaching in school, I "work" everyday and I have the impression that I was earning more. But the fact is that, this month, I earn more than those months that I do relief teaching.

Perhaps working gives people the false impression that they're earning a lot. We're been taught since young that u work hard, u earn more, isn't it? And also, when u work hard, firstly, u get more tired and will want something to "reward" urself, so u'll spend more. Secondly, u work hard, and presume that u have more money and will tend to spend more.

It's not hard to understand why so many people have not much savings. It stems from society, from the media, from our circle of frens. The society label the rich to Gucci, LV, Prada, dining in fine restaurant etc. The bank promotes loan. The media advertise to promote lavish lifestyle etc. After such bombardment, the youngs, first time experiencing money into their bank account, will consciously or sub consciously spend and spend.

The society has also a part to play. How many of us have heard of the saying "Life is short, play hard", "U can't take ur money away when u die" etc. It is true, life is short. It is true, u can't take ur money when u die. And perhaps people who said all these r those who live from paychecks to paychecks. I dun think living from paycheck to paycheck is wrong, provided that u have sufficient money for emergency. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. Perhaps someone in the family met with an accident and needed to be hospitalised or need money for operation etc. And if someone u care for cannot get good treatment because of money issue, it'll be a sad thing. Not being pessimistic, just being realistic.

As for the "u can't take money away when u die" statement, I've said in my previous entry that u'll be worst than dying if u outlive ur money. I dun mind leaving behind excess money when I die, but I mind using up my money before I die.


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