Sunday, August 13, 2006

It's been a while since I last blog... Well, school starts, and I still dunno if I want to continue to study. And the lecturer was saying that it's quite hard to get a job with biomedical qualification. I was thinking why I should dump in $5k into the education and in the end can't find a job? Still thinking.. I have 5 more days to decide..

Went malaysia to fly yesterday. It's only the introductory flight. It was so fun. I got a chance to have the control for a short while. The plane took off, and when in the air, the instructor taught me for a while and let me have a try. And now the question is whether I want to take the full course licence. Abt RM16 to 20k.. quite expensive.. Think I'll shelf it till after the SIA interview. If I manage to get into SIA, then I no need to take the private course. If not....


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