Saturday, March 24, 2007

Imagine one day if u dun even have $100 on u, how can u give $100 to other people? The same thing... If u dun even love urself, how can u love others?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Does love makes us grow or does lesson makes us grow? Well, it seems that people takes love for granted and only when the pain comes will they grow.

Another question: Can teachers and frens coexist together? Well, with regards to that student that I wrote in my previous few entries, we were like frens previously. But however, I am very harsh to her when it comes to study and make sure she study 2 hrs a day by smsing her at 8pm every night. She also said that she see me sms feels very "sian" and I dun blame her. Coz if I'm her I'll feel the same way. I feel in the long run this will affect the frenship. I was in a dilemma. Whether I want to keep the relationship as frens or as teacher-student. Well, I've made a decision! I rather she hate me for forcing her to study than to be the kind of fren who just let her as she is and see her downfall... They're still kids... We were like them once... Only when we grow up will we see the bigger picture, but for some, it's too late and there's no more second chance for them...

Friday, March 09, 2007

Saw a few nice quotes in one of the classrooms:

1) If u think u cannot make it, u cannot make it.
If u think u r a loser, u r a loser.

2) A diamond is a chunk of coal that turns good under pressure.

3) The eye can only see what it wants to see.

4) U never know how high u can soar until u flap ur wings.