Friday, February 08, 2013

I guess I am starting to understand what Napolean Hill experience in his book "Outwitting the Devil". I guess I am at the very bottom of my life this time. Whatever can go wrong went wrong. And just like him, I began to question myself on whether what those motivational quote that I once believe is bullshit. I began to talk to myself and to the other me. I began to question life. To question the purpose.

Somehow, just like what his book says, at the very bottom of ur life, u'll hear a little voice guiding u. And I heard it these few days. The voice is guiding me, talking to me and arranging me to know wonderful people who made my days feel better. It's very weird, but it's true.

I went to a temple today, hoping to get some holy water to bath and cleanse the bad luck away. However, I don't know where to get it and on top of that, I'm rushing to watch a movie. I decided to give up on finding the holy water and went to the bus stop when a voice within me tells me to go back to the temple again and ask the people inside. And the voice was telling me that I will make it right in time for the movie anyway. And I did as told and found the holy water after asking the people inside, and make it for the movie exactly, without missing a single bit.


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