Monday, May 28, 2007

Law of Attraction

The world, environment and things revolves around the Law of Attraction. Things constantly attract or repel each other. The magnetic pole: like poles repel, unlike poles attract. Electrical charges: like charges repel, unlike charges attract.

We, human beings, are govern by electrical impulses and magnetic fields. So we do attract and repel things, but at a different level. When we dislike a person, somehow, subconsciously, we'll give some signals and the other party will sense it. And when they sense it, they'll repay us with the same kind of signals.

When we put up a protective wall around us and distrust those around us, even when a sincere person, who genuine care for us, comes along, our "wall" will send a signal to the person that there is distrust and the person will eventually go away. Of coz, it's always good to have some layer of "protection wall" around us, but if it goes to such an extent as to cripple the interaction between friends or the environment, it's doing more harm than good. Gradually the person will feel they have not much close friends, or no one cares for them. But in the first place it's they themselves who repel them.


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