Thursday, May 17, 2007

Spreading my wings overseas??

During the stay at the farm, was talking to Robyn, the farm mistress. We were talking about the different cultures. In the west, the government takes care of the older folks while the younger ones go out to venture. But in the east, like in Singapore, the burden lies heavily on the younger ones to look after the aged parents. It's a different culture, and I feel that the eastern culture stifles the potential of the young to venture. So which is good and which is bad?

Was talking to a fellow backpacker and was telling her of my plan to be a pilot and my studies in Biomedical engineering. I was telling her that in Singapore, I was at the mercy of SIA, especially when the airline industry is so small.

She told me that Scotland, UK and New Zealand needs a lot of skilled qualification, like Biomedical Engineering. Therefore, an option for me to go there to work as Biomedical engineer for a few years, get a Permanent Resident(PR) there, and then try for the airlines over there. There's certainly more airlines over there than the one and only Singapore Airline over here. And also, because of society bias, people usually put more weight to a PR of a Western society than the citizen of a Asian country. Sad, but true. It's a great chance as there's certainly more opportunities over there. Singapore is too small for me to spread my wings.

Well, things are still at the initial stage. I've yet to research into them yet. Just an option for the time being. But if I'm going there, it may be for a few years, or maybe I wun be coming back. Even if I'm going, it will not be so soon. At least till after October. Cos firstly I have yet to complete my pilot course, which I hope to complete it by August, and secondly I must wait till after the 'O' Level, which is in October. It's a promise that I made to Yin to coach her till her 'O's and therefore I must fulfill it no matter what. A promise is not meant to be broken. I've seen her progress this far, from a darn miserable single digit mark for her A maths last year to a B3 or B4 and from an average score for E maths, to A1 for her recent test and therefore all the more I can't leave her at this stage to struggle for the 'O's herself.


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