Thursday, February 08, 2007

J. P. Morgan was a financial wizard who also believed in psychic phenomenon, specifically mind over matter.

“I was twenty-four, maybe twenty-five, when I had a life-altering experience,” recalled the famous banker a few years before his death. “I was playing poker with a few friends when someone I had never met, a man about sixty years old, asked if he could sit in. He had tagged along with one of our regulars and before long he had accumulated most of the chips.

“He was winning most of the hands and seemingly had lady luck on his side. There was something about the man, his unwavering positive attitude, that intrigued me, and afterwards I cornered him and asked if he had anything else on his side besides good luck.

“At first he thought I might be accusing him of cheating, but I assured him I wasn’t. Smiling, he patted me on the back and revealed to me his secret of success. And I have never forgotten it. In fact, this stranger changed my life then and there.”

What the man told Morgan was this: Go into everything you do with complete assurance that you’re going to emerge a victor. Don’t show self-doubt, don’t be meek, don’t do anything half way. Speak from your heart with conviction and the spirits will make things happen.

“He assured me,” Morgan continued, “that if I followed his advice and truly believed in what he said, opponents (competitors) will feel momentum rushing to my side, altering the odds in my favor, affording me success beyond my wildest dreams. What’s more, he said, they will respect me, perhaps even overestimate my talents ?which is not at all a bad thing.”

Morgan wrote: “From that day on, I knew whatever endeavor I decided to tackle, I would do it with gusto, with conviction, with a mindset that no one could stop me, regardless of the challenge, regardless of the obstacles blocking my way. I learned from that day forth, that there are, indeed, spirits in the air, surrounding us, awaiting our bidding, and it is simply a matter of learning how to converse with them.”

Morgan conceded that he was fortunate in that he had the “gift” of contacting these spirits, these forces, and that not everyone was capable of doing so.

F. BermanWhite Plains, New York


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