Saturday, January 27, 2007

There was a lone wanderer who had been traveling for many days and had grown weary. One day he stumbled upon an abandoned cabin in the woods.

Night began to fall as he peered through the cabin window. Deciding no one was occupying the space, the lone wanderer stepped inside and began to undress.Finding a small cot in a corner of the room, he tiredly rested his head upon a pillow. The last faint streams of sunlight illuminated a wooden chair a few feet from the cot. Upon the chair the man viewed an object. It sat coiled on the chair perfectly still.

A rattlesnake, the wanderer deduced and began to shiver. His fear of snakes, born in childhood, rose up inside him. The wanderer remained very still as the sun dipped completely below the horizon. His eyes stayed fixed upon the chair throughout the night.

At one point, he swore to himself that the snake began to slither and hiss. The petrified wanderer stiffened his body and shut his eyes tight. His heart pumped faster and faster, and he began to sweat profusely. His panic raced through the night along with the rapid beat of his heart.

The following morning, the owner of the cabin returned from his trip. He discovered the wanderer lying on his cot. He prodded the man several times, only to realize the man was dead. Confused, the owner looked around the room for clues to the stranger's identity.

He noticed the small pile of clothes tucked neatly beneath the wooden chair. Finding no clue to the man's identity inside the clothes, the owner gently placed them on the wooden chair. He removed the coil of rope on the wooden chair that he had left behind. What strange circumstances, the owner thought to himself.

What this short tale illustrates is the incredibly immense power inside each one of us. The wanderer's sure belief that the coil of rope on the chair was a snake created within him a panic that eventually killed him.

This example may seem strange to you, but we have inside of us this very same immense power. This is the power of our beliefs, our thoughts, of that which we accept and hold within us.


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