Friday, December 22, 2006

Just a few stranded thots when reading a book, so decided to pen it down:

1) I believe that human beings are connected by resonance. Why is it that sometimes we like, or hate, or feel connected to a complete stranger? Maybe their energy level is vibrating at the same level as us, that's y the connection...

2) We have 2 sets of eyes, the physical eyes and the heart's eye. I remembered Lelio once told me, "U can easily feel if a person is sincere or not." And he cited a few examples. Yup, it's looking thru not the physical eyes. How many of us only see what can be seen? When is the last time u feel some things? U can see human, u can see things, but can u feel them?

3) People come into our lives at certain times for various reasons having to do with lessons to be learned. It is not a coincidence that they didn't meet at much earlier age when they did not have other commitment

4) Self love is the basis for love of others. It is where real charity begins. When u love urself, it will spill over; when u don't love urself, ur energy will consciously or unconsciously be focused on finding it, and u wun have time for anybody else.

5) Maddie always say, there's a time for everything. And I agreed with her. A year ago when Xinyan was telling me about past life regression etc, I was like"... ok...". It wasn't my time then. And a year later, I began to read a lot of books on afterlife, past life etc. So if anyone reading it do not understand a single thing, it's ok. Maybe one day u will understand.


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