Saturday, October 21, 2006

Why do we do some things that we dun even know we'll do without anyone teaching? Why do babies cry the moment they come out? Why dun they laugh when they come out? And why they know that they must cry when they need attention? Why do they laugh when they are happy? Is there anyone inside the womb to tell them that they must cry when they are hungry? Or is it in the genes? Is it the subconscious?

If I say we choose our own feelings, how many will agree? We choose to feel sad, feel happy, feel angry etc. One may say, "What?! U mean I chose to be sad? Choose to be my own victim?! U think I'm nuts?!" Perhaps consciously we do not want to be sad, but the subconscious works in such a way as to make us feel sad at times, even if there's nothing wrong. It'll purposely remind u of some things and to dig up ur feelings for it or let u do something to make u feel sad or angry etc.

I remember one of my frens saying that sometimes when she and her bf did not quarrel for a long time, she'll purposely find some fault with him to start a quarrel. She just can't control it. She knows it's her fault but she can't control it.

There must always be a balance in everything. When everything is going well, the subconscious steps in to create some obstacles. When there's happiness, there'll be sadness. It's only when u have happiness that u have sadness. Well, true.. If u never experience happiness before, how do u know what is sadness?

In a macro sense, if things are going very smoothly since ages, with no problems and everyone living happily and satisfied with everything, we'll be still living in caves, and hunting for food everyday.


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