Sunday, September 17, 2006

I've made calculations. The pilot course that I mentioned in my previous entry cost USD$59k. And convert to SGD it's about $96k. And plus expenses for a year it'll total up to maybe $120k.

I went to Citibank website to find the possibility for a loan. We can loan up to 6 times our monthly gross salary or $150k, whichever is lower. With my dad and my brother in law's pay combine, can't even reach $120k. And even if able to loan the amount, the first year, during the course, need to pay about $600+ per month. And after I graduated from the couse, need to pay about $2000+ per month, depending on the years of repayment.

I'm sure if I can go for the course, I'll surely graduate. CONFIRM! But how to fork out $120k??


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