Friday, August 25, 2006

Ever since I started school, I think I've become more thrifty, or more kiam syap. Last time when I buy thing, I wun even consider the price. If it's 3 digit, without the decimal point lar, I just think for 30 seconds, and I'll buy it. If the price is 2 digit, I wun even think and buy it.

I print my lecture notes on rough paper now. Last time they must be on a new piece of paper. But now, even if the paper change colour I also use. Even got staple holes I also use. I tend to think more before I buy something. Coz now no more income and have to eat into my saving for a year or so. And of course, I'm planning something big, that's why must try to save whatever I can. Sometime I dun even drive when going out to save petrol.

I spend my day trying to refill my ink cartridge with some cheap refills. HP ink cartridge is damn expensive. And in the end my black ink cartridge work and my colour cartridge cant work. The blue ink keeps leaking. I was thinking since HP ink cartridge is so expensive, I might as well sell the printer away and buy Canon or Epson. Maybe a second hand one. Canon and Epson inks are cheaper. And in the long run may save quite a bit. And selling off the HP printer will offset some cost too...

Even when it comes to eating, I seldom eat at nice places too. Either those cheap cheap places, or eat at home. Sian..

Am I becoming more matured?? Aiyah, just kiam syap lar...What to do? Dun want to use my parent's money is like that one lor..


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