Saturday, August 19, 2006

Looking back at my life for the past half year, there's a lot of changes. It's like I'm having a total change in my direction in life. The start of the change is perhaps the break of a relationship in Feb...

After that I started to quit, and then trying for pilot and then study. Right now I'm a full time student, although officially I'm still working in the previous organisation. And at the same time applying for pilot. 3 things at one go. Last time in that previous job, I have no goals. Every morning I just go to work, and then it repeats day after day. I dunno what I'm working for. There's nothing to look forward to. I got to know 2 pilots and they encouraged me to try for pilot. After that I started to have something to look forward to, a goal to work towards. I took a step to step out of the organisation. At the time when I told my boss of my intention to leave the organisation, I have nothing to fall back on. I have no offer from the university, and no news from SIA for interview. I just tell myself to go all the way to fight for my goals. I intended to go Malaysia to take a private pilot licence if I couldn't get into SIA. And that would mean emptying my bank account to get that licence. It cost damn a lot to learn to fly. And after that I would come back and try again.

Shortly after that I got an offer from NTU. When I got the letter, I intended to reject the offer. And my mother and sister persuaded me otherwise. They said that not many people can study masters and I have the opportunity and should not reject it. Well, there's some factors that I was considering at that time, even now...

I'm trying to apply for SIA and if I get in, I'll quit school. And my masters course is held at night, every night. Therefore I planned that if I happened not to get into SIA, I'll go malaysia to learn to fly in the morning and study at night. And try and try until I get in. And at times when I'm not flying, perhaps I'll teach some tuition. It'll be damn shag. But I think I'll be happier...

That's my life for now. Out of the 3 things, I'm doing 1.5 now. I started studying-1. I've sourced for a flying school in malaysia and went for the introduction flight. Have not registered for the course yet, so it's considered half done. For the third thing, I've sent in my application and awaiting for interview. Hope for the best and aim for the sky!!


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