Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What's your goal? Do u have a goal in life? What are u trying to achieve or r u just going to let things come to u?

I had never thought of a goal in life. And my life was spent getting a salary every month and wasting my life away. Although the salary was good compared to my peers, I felt very hollow inside.

Until the time I found myself a goal. It's like things started to energise. Ya, some said that it's unrealistic, but realism is what they perceived. And I can see that I'm getting nearer to it step by step. Even if in the end I could not get what I want, at least I'm very near to it.

I tendered my resignation with just a goal in mind and nothing else. And at that time, the goal has not yet really formalised. And it's based on this goal that I started to take the first step- To quit my current job. Although I'm going to be jobless soon, I'm happier now than before. I have calculated, in the worst case scenario, in the pursue of my goal, I may end up almost bankrupt, but at least I'm happier. Things start to take its form, step by step. And day by day, I'm getting closer and closer...

Things really feel different when u have a goal. And u'll feel more energetic and charged up everyday.


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