Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Many people equate earning lots of money to a high educational qualification. And many people prefer to work for people rather than starting their own business. For example, even if u get a PhD, u're still working for someone, and have lots of meeting and always sandwiched by those above u and those below u. Once I was telling my mum and aunt abt these and they immediately say that it's not easy to start business and a lot of people failed etc etc. At the back of their mind, they have this conception that many people failed in business, but if u ask them to name them, they do not know any. Times have changed, and there's no need any capital to start a business now. And there's no need for a shop to start business too.

Do u know of any successful businessman? If u go to a coffeeshop, all the hawkers are, in a way, businessman. Yes, their working hours are long, but they are the ones who work for themselves.
So who are u working for?

Bill Gates is a drop out from MIT. He's not even a grad and now, he has so many PhD and Masters grads working under him. He did not create Microsoft Windows either. He just markets it. Sim Wong Hoo is a diploma grad. And how many scholars work under him now?


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