Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Human beings are nothing more than a habit generating machine. Our actions, eventually form our habits. And they are stored in the subconscious. We form habits, but eventually we are controlled by them. It's hard to break a habit, and it takes a lot of conscious efforts and will power and determination to break them.

Therefore, habits can be a powerful tool if we can use them properly. Just like in my dung story in my previous entry, when things happen, u can view it from 2 ways. So if we form a habit to look at it from a positive way, we'll never be daunted by problems.

How we think controls how we act. Just like a friend of mine. He always feels that he has no friends and no one wants to befriend him and pulls a long face everyday. One day, another classmate of mine came to me and told me that he's afraid to talk to him as he always pull a long face. Well it's a vicious cycle...

In a meeting, have u noticed that everyone sits in the same place? Once we're comfortable with a place or seat, we'll stick to it. We're resistant to changes. That place becomes "our seat" and it formed our "habit". One day, just try sitting in another people's seat.


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