Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Everyone wants to get rich, everyone wants money, everyone wants abandance, but are they willing to accept it if it's presented to them? For example, when u're in need of money and one day, a complete stranger walks up to u and give u money, will u accept it? I'm sure at the back of ur mind u'll be wondering why is that stranger so kind to u, is he up to something, do u deserve it etc etc.

Perhaps we've all been "trained up" never to trust strangers. I remembered that during my childhood days, my mum used to tell me that there are those people who go around kidnapping children and chop their head to build bridges. And when we are naughty, they'll say "wait mang gali catch u" All these, sub-consciously, train us not to trust others. All these are negativity that are obstacles to the path of our life.

Xinyan once told me, everytime when she's in need of something, something will happen out of nowhere to help her attain it. For example if she has no money, someone, complete strangers, will offer to give her money for no reasons. And she'll say "thank you" and accept it. For people who were "trained" not to trust strangers will say there must be a motive, but there's no strings attached. She's knows how to accept abandance, and that's why she gets it. For most people, even if u need money and someone come up to u to offer u money, u will reject the offer. So it's not that chances and opportunities dun come to u. It's u who reject the opportunity.

Perhaps we're trained to be sceptical, that's why even if things come to us, we'll brush it away. Things dun happen to u. Things happen from u!! Learn to accept it, and it'll come to u naturally.


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