Monday, October 16, 2006

Often in depression, we think : "It's not fair! Why me?!" It would ease matters a little if life was more just.

A middle aged prisoner asked to see a monk after a meditation session. "I just wanted to tell you that I did not commit the crime for which I was locked up in this jail. I was innocent. I know many crims might have say the same and be lying, but I am telling you the truth. I wouldn't lie to you," the prisoner told the monk. The monk began to think how unfair this was, and wonder how he could mend this terrible injustice.

The prisoner interrupted: "But there were so many crimes where I wasn't caught that I guess it is fair."

How often is it that we do a "crime", some hurtful, spiteful act, and we are not made to suffer for it? Do we ever say "It's not fair! Why wasn't I caught?"

When we are made to suffer for no apparent reason, though, we moan, "It's not fair! Why me?" Perhaps it is fair.


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