Monday, November 13, 2006

Been reading a lot about past life regression these days. In metaphysics sense, it is said that everyone reincarnate and had many lifes before this. And in different life, we learn different things. I had bought 4 books by Dr Brian Weiss and had finished 3 books. All in less than 2 weeks.

I believe that in life, everything is a cycle and about timing. This author was introduced to me by Xinyan abt a year ago. However, at that time, I had not much interest in it. She went for past life regression and saw me as her soulmate in one of her lives. But ever since she's not around me, this thought and interest in past life regression did not stir anything in me.

It's been about 8 months and I suddenly get very affected. Suddenly one night while waiting for Khai Yin and Kuan Sheng outside mac did all the thoughts came back to me. I began to hum the song that I sang to her last time. And I get very affected by the whole thing. 8 months of peacefulness and suddenly, out of nowhere, it came back to haunt me.

I began to read up on past life regression. Is our lives carefully planned for us? I remembered that first time I saw her. It was like.. a feeling that I knew her... Perhaps a possible reason is that her past life regression is true- We had known each other long time ago. For her, she had no idea when she fell for me too. Everything was like so fast and within a few weeks, we're like over the phone a few times a day, even when I was in Australia. I spent about $90 worth of phone cards alone in Australia. Things were like so smooth, as if everything is planned...

And then things start to go downhill. The first thing that led to the break down of the relationship, I feel, is when the crystal angel that I bought for her was broken into many pieces when it fell from her phone. I bought it in Australia and had one myself, and one for her. Both of us being lovers of crystals, I feel that it's a ominous sign when a crystal breaks. I searched online for another one and sent it to her house. This one, however, came broken. A series of events happen and eventually it leads to the destruction of a relationship. Everything was like so well planned. The meeting, the progress, the degradation and finally the destruction.

Ever since that day, I changed a lot. I'm not the old self anymore. Perhaps I've matured, or forced to mature, and become more open minded to things around me.

And these days, after the remininscence of the event, somehow it stirs the interest of past life regression in me.

There are some people whom I feel a closeness to, even though I just got to know them less than a month. Someone whom I open up to, and they open up to me, and a kind of rapport that takes quite some time, months or even years, to build in normal circumstences. Is our rapport between us built long time ago?

Sometimes I was thinking... Maybe Xinyan entered my life to teach me something...


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