Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sometimes fate lets us meet the right people at the right time, the right people at the wrong time, the wrong people at the right time, the wrong people at the wrong time. Why can't we control it? If we can, everyone will want to meet the right person at the right time. Then what is there to learn?

Somehow I believe that everything is planned properly. At which time we will meet this or that person, and what we learn from the whole event. Things goes wrong, so that we can learn. If things goes right, we'll be stagnant.

Only when drastic things happen will we change. I am what I am, because of things that cause me to be what I am. We must always improve.

Sometimes I tend to relate lessons learnt from those who had crossed my path. From my long time friends: Kaw Sen, Johnny, Jillian, Maddie, Daniel etc etc, to my new found friends: Kuan Sheng, Khai Yin, Joanna, Yun Yun etc etc. Everyone taught me something. Everyone had some influence to my life.


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