Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I still believe in the goodness of man. I believe that everyone has a good side of themselves. Even though how irresponsible the person is, or how unkind he is, I believe we shouldn't write them off because of that. It's naive, I must say, and I am not new to the pain and the hurt it caused. But I still feel it's a lot happier for me to have fond memories of them, or the very least neutral, than to have grudges against them.

Perhaps I'm the kind who dun bear grudges against people. It's too "energy consuming" for me. Our mood changes everytime we see the person whom we have grudges against. Why make ourselve unhappy? Forgive them... And forgive urself..

We are what we are, because of things that happen to us in the past, things that we encounter, and how we interpret and react to it. How can we be so sure that given the same situation, we won't behave like him? Things are neutral. It's how u see and how u interpret that makes the difference.

Therefore, I rather not remember the person's weaknesses but remember his strength. Learn from his strength. Everyone has some things to teach others. Even from my 3 yrs old nephew. His innocence and his inquisitive nature is what most of us have lost. Why pick on the person's flaws, and make urself feel bad or dislike him? Why not write off his flaws, remember his strength, learn from his strength and make urself happier?

Given a scenario: A person who is always the first to reach the office for 98% of the time, for once or twice, came into the office after lunch time. People will remember him for the late comer rather than the person who is early 98% of the time. But on the other hand, another person who are late for work for 98% of the time but reach the office early for a day or two, people will still remember him as the person who is always late.

So do we subconsciously tend to remember the flaws of other person??


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