Thursday, February 08, 2007

In a quiet Mexican fishing village, an American on vacation was watching a local fisherman unload his morning catch. The American, a successful professor at a prestigious US business school, couldn't resist giving the fisherman a little bit of advice.

"Hey!" began the American, "Why r u finishing so early?"

"Since I caught enuff fish", replied the fisherman,"enuff to feed my family and a little extra to sell. Now I will take some lunch with my wife and, after a little siesta in the afternoon, I will play with my children. Then after dinner I will go to the cantina, drink a little tequila and play some guitar with my frens. It is enuff for me."

"Listen to me fren," said the professor. "If u stay out at sea till late afternoon, u will easily catch twice as much fish. U can sell the extra, save up the money, an din 6 months time, maybe nine, u'll be able to buy a bigger and better boat and hire some crew. Then u'll be able to catch 4 times as many fish. Think of the extra money u will make! In another year or 2, u will have the capital to buy a 2nd fishing boat and hire another crew. If u follow this business plan, in 6 or 7 years, u'll be the proud owner of a large fishing fleet. Just imagine that! Then u should move ur head office to L.A. After only 3 or 4 years in L.A, u float ur company on the stockmarket giving urself, as CEO, aqa generous salary package with substantial share options. In a few years- listen to this! u initiate a company share buy-back scheme, which will make u a multi-millionaire! Guaranteed! I'm a well known professor as a US business school. I know these things."

The fisherman listened thoughtfully at what the animated American had to say. When the professor had finished, the fisherman asked him," But what do I do with so many millions of dollars?"

Surprisingly, the American professor hadn't thot the business plan through that far. So he quickly figured out what a person would do with millions of dollars.

"Amigo! With all that dough, u can retire. Yeah! Retire for life. U can buy a little villa in a picturesque fishing village like this one, and purchase a small boat for going fishing in the morning. U can have lunch with ur wife everyday, and a siesta afterwards with nothing to worry u. In the afternoon u can spend quality time with ur kids and after dinner in the evening, play guitar with ur frens in the cantina, drinking tequila. Yeah, with all that money, my fren, u can retire and take it easy."

"But professor, I do all that already."

Why do we believe that we have to work so hard and get rich first, before we can find contentment?


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