Thursday, September 20, 2007

Perhaps I should say I'm beginning to admire teachers. How can they, despite the nonsense that students give, still able to go on? Most students nowadays.. No hope, no future. Or maybe becoz it's the students tat I'm exposed to. There's only a few good ones who wants to improve themselves. The rest are just wasting time in school.

Sometimes I really reflect if I'm like that when young. But I dun think so. Young kids(those who have not stepped into the working world, temp job not counted), and I repeat, young kids, are full of arrogance and think tat the world owes them a lot. They think that money will just drop from the sky without working for it. Yes, for them, they just ask their parents and the money will come to them. Students, especially those from neighbourhood school, are more arrogant and think that if they study, they'll beat those RI, RGS students. Come on!! Wake up ur idea!! Stop living in ur dreamland!! I can confidently tell u that u r feeling that way becoz ur school sets easy paper for u. U think with an easy paper, the passing mark is still 50%? U think those questions that u know, those from RI and RGS dunno??

If u have to learn the hard way and fail and repeat, by all means... Spoon feeding u will just kill u.


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