Monday, October 01, 2007

Love urself as nobody will love u more than u urself. The purpose of life is to learn. But why must we learn. I was dumbfounded for a moment. We learn so tat we r able to handle it in future. We learn so as to grow wiser. Age is not merely a number. It's the wisdom and experience a person has learnt.

People come into our lives for a reason- to teach us things. Perhaps even to give us pain so tat we can learn how to handle it. We grow and change with every pain. If we dun, we'll experience it again and again..

Nobody has done each other wrong. And therefore we shouldn't feel guilty. There's no right and wrong. Dun victimise urself. U dun feel good, and it's not going to change anything. U'll only make urself feel worst and the cycle repeats itself. U've made the decision, so dun regret it. U can't turn back time. U cant change ur past, but u can change ur future.

Dun think of ending ur life, coz it's a cowardice way to avoid things. U made this decision, so dun end ur life and leave this mess to those who really care for u! Nobody, especially those who care for u, deserve to clear up the mess that u've created when u just end ur life and pass on the misery to them! Think of ur parents the moment before u commit suicide. How they pray ur arrival to this world 20 years ago. And if this is the way u're going treat them. If it's a problem that u've created, solve it! We'll always be here to support u.


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