Thursday, October 25, 2007

To the students taking O level. Hope that it's not too late:

In different scenario and different subjects, there are different ways to tackle it:

1) Morning paper- On the day before the exam, must finish whatever u need to finish. Straightforward case

2) Afternoon paper- Must finish studying everything the day before the paper. Do not expect to leave some chapters to study for the morning of the very day. The morning of the very day should be left for some light revision and doing some past year paper to warm up the engine.

3) Go to the examination hall at least an hour before the paper starts. If u're late, u've lose the battle psychologically. U wun do as well.

4) Doing some last min revision just before the exam is all banging on luck. Dun expect a drastic improvement.

5) Sleep- Have enough sleep the night before

6) Dun stress urself too much. Sing or hum some songs while doing the paper. It'll lighten the mood and u'll do better. Too much stress or insufficient sleep will cause mental block.

7) Exam is nothing but a psychological game. Even if u've really studied and understand everything, u'll still get zero marks unless u can release it on to the exam script. Either one can be the lmiting factor. It's all in the mind, not the brain.

8) Time management- Manage ur time well and make sure u dun spend too much time on a question. Skip to the next question if u dunno.


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