Thursday, November 29, 2007

After watching "1 litre of tears", Kitou Aya became my idol. Despite at a young age when she gotten the disease, she remained so strong. I dunno if I'm as strong as her if I were her, most probably not. She perservere till the very end, writing her diary until she can't even hold a pen, questioning about life, encouraging herself to live on till the very end, and helping others.

We tend to take things for granted until they are taken away from us. To walk is a bliss, to talk is a bliss, to swallow food is a bliss, and to breath is a bliss too. I have a friend whose baby is diagnosed with Lissencephaly, a condition whereby his brain is smooth, without any folding. Eventually, he'll have problems sitting, standing, walking, swallowing and breathing. So aren't we blessed that we can sit down here to read the blog?


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