Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Love urself

I feel tat the most important thing is to love oneself. In this world, no one will care about u more than u urself. The frens ard u will not love u more than they themselves. Try asking ur frens to feed u for the rest of their lives without condition. Will u do it for them?

Even in a relationship. There's no such things as a stable relationship. Anything can happen anytime. The so called love that u put in unconditionally may one day sink it's teeth back on u. I'm not saying that we should not put in a lot in love. But pls love urself more than u love others. It is only when u love urself that u will know how to love others.

I used to symphatise with those who got hurt. But I learnt that the more u symphatise, the more they're gg to be stucked. Everything that u say -"Yes, u r very pitiful.", "yes, he/she is wrong, he/she is at fault" will only reinforce their thinking and make them more deeply rooted to the present position. I am not a saint myself, and was deeply hurt before. And the only person who can pull them out is they themselves. By refusing to stand by them, by refuting such negative energies is perhaps better than to pity and symphatise them.


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