Thursday, November 01, 2007

A very true story about a colleague of mine:

Michael has only a "N" Level cert. Therefore after graduation, he went into the Air Force as technician. To him, it's the only place to go due to his educational qualification. He slogged for 16 years, only to reach the rank of a Master Sergeant, in which a diploma holder can easily attain the rank in less than 10 years. Due to his hard work in the force, he was conferred the best soldier for 3 consecutive years. I can clearly remember that he say "So what if I get the best soldier for 3 consecutive years? I still can't confirm that I can get my MWO?"

Due to his qualification, which is his limiting factor, even getting the award cannot guarantee him the promotion that he should deserve. His peers, who had better education qualification and started up later than him, even though did not get such prestigious award, are way beyond him in rank.

Some people are early bloomers, some late bloomers. Those who bloom too late are those who eventually "suffer" as they are limited by wat our society values most- that piece of paper. Although the life of a person should be much more than the paper chase, but it is this piece of paper that determines what we can get, what we can't get materialistically, generally.


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