Monday, October 29, 2007

Our nerves are at a potential of -70 millivolts at resting potential, due to the movement of Potassium and Calcium through the cell membrane. Every action, every thought, every movement will trigger a change in the voltage across the cell membrane. In other words, we conduct electricity, and it changes with every little thing that we do.

However, we learn in physics class that a current will induce a magnetic field. Which is to say the human body induce magnetic field around it due to the voltages inside the body.

The law of gravitation states that the force between 2 objects is given by F= (GMm)/(r x r). Any 2 bodies, as long as they have mass, will produce a force between them. That is how the earth circles the sun, and how the moon circles earth. In the very same way, 2 person will exert an attraction force towards each other.


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