Saturday, April 26, 2008

Creating Luck

I believe in the Law of Attraction. Therefore, be careful of what u feed into ur mind. Positive thoughts beget positive things.

Been doing the below mentioned "exercise" every night for a month and I think it's good. It helps me lay the next day smoothly and perfectly. Perhaps it's "creating" good luck. At least for me, I feel that it makes me happier, and brings me unexpected good luck. To those who believe in the Law of Attraction, no harm trying the below mentioned exercise:

Before you sleep, lay on the bed and get as comfortable as possible. Then, in ur mind, rewind your day and recall the events the moment you woke up to the moment you sleep. Of cos, dun have to try to remember every details. Take whatever comes to the mind. Change every negative things to positive things. For example if you are late for work, imagine that you're early for work that day. If you fail a test, imagine that you pass it with flying colours etc. The mind will divert. Gently bring it back and continue. If halfway through you fall asleep, just let it be.

According to the Law of Attraction, when we send out positive thoughts, we'll attract positive things to us. The same way, if we send out negative thoughts, the rest of the day will be screwed.


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