Sunday, March 23, 2008

I feel that in life, there's always something that marks the end of some things. A hallmark event recently, for me, marks the end of one chapter of my life and beginning of another.

This part of my life is ending. Everything is falling apart- the people, the things, and at the same time another chapter is opening up and constructing- Another group of people and things entering. Perhaps in my life, I'm only a passer by to many. To teach them something or to learn something from them and then we leave each other's life and move on to another lesson. Right from the start, I know that this chapter wun last. Perhaps I just feel a bit 可惜that it ends. I chose this to end.

Another person whom I had lost touch with begins to enter this new chapter. Is there some things I can teach her again? Or is she here in this chapter to teach me some other things? As more and more things begin to unfold for me....


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