Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Mind

The mind is a very powerful tool. Train it well, and control it well.

Many "coincidence" happen these days. A few weeks ago, I send out a positive thought about my finances and this month, for the first time since I quitted my job, I begin to have a positive income. All the events lay out nicely and happen unexpectedly.

Today, was at arcade with my fren and she was playing Mahjong game. And at one point, she was waiting for this particular tile and I "willed" the tile to appear and it actually appear! That's the one and only time she won.

Things start from within to without. Sometimes, I feel that our culture instills a sense of negativity into our mind. Try telling your parents that you want to quit your current job and start a business. They'll tell u a series of stories of people who did not make it. Just like I remember donkey years ago when my sister was deciding between jc and poly and my aunt told my mum a series of people who cant make it in JC and had to drop school in the end. People tend to "glamorise" the 30 students who quitted school than to talk abt the 1000 students who make it to university.

Cause and effect: We're the cause, and what we see or what comes to us is the effect. Or I should say the mind, the thoughts are the causes. The newspaper always report negative things, because we like to read it. Imagine one day if the newspaper report "No accidents at CTE today" rather than "20 cars collide at CTE, leaving 5 dead, 20 injured". Which newspaper will you buy?


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