Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The past weekend had been quite terrible. And I finally see the true colours of my manager. What can be so despicable than to prey on the leads of your subordinates? Instead of helping us and guiding us, he'll offer to help us, in exchange for 50% of the commission. He is already paid an over riding as our manager and he still wants to eat the food on our table!

Seeing how he make use of another fellow colleague, treating her like his assistant when she is a property agent. And bragging to everyone that she is his assistant only makes me despise him more.

He "team" up with his subordinates and ask them to distribute flyers, prepare presentation and do all the hard work while he did nothing and only go down to do the closing and yet dare to ask for 50% of the commission! He did notgo out to find leads but instead preying on his subordinate's leads for his own use. Well, and I believe his very own manager does the same thing...

Luckily till now I refuse to team up with him or accept any of his "help" yet. Once he "help" u, he'll want something out of it.


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