Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Uncle died today. I feel a bit sad, not because of his death, but because my parents still stubbornly held on to some grudges. They refuse to go to his wake.

This uncle of mine is actually my father's sister's husband. My father's family is very complicated. Uncle disown grandfather, grandfather and grandmother separated, uncles and aunty "killing" each other, scolding each other, and calling each others names.

I am sad that dad and mum, especially mum, refuses to open up. Perhaps it's not becoz it's her direct family, tat's y she dun feel much. One harsh sentence from aunty caused her to remember it till now. She held on to a sentence she said, and some things that she did that she refuses to go to her husband's wake. I must say that I dun really know this uncle, except the fact that he dun work, take money from aunty, and travel around in cab. But well, who r we to judge.

Well, my grandma gave birth to 5 bulls and 1 cow. All the bulls and cows are stubbornly stubborn. (Note the double emphasis). Maybe becoz of all these stubbornness tat caused this whole situation. They only see this short time frame of life They only focus on the bad things one said of another. They've forgotten abt the happy times when they r together. They think they're always right. They think that they will never regret of all these they do....


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