Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sometimes, the best way to help a person is to let go and let them fall. Let what Daniel said, " Sometimes if we know something is bad and tell ur fren, they may not appreciate it and it may affect the frenship between the both of u. So it is better for u to let them go, experience the fall, and then u go and console them. In this way, the frenship strengthen".

The human nature, we like to listen to what we want to hear. When we are negative, we would tend to mix around with negative people, cos they are in sync with us. They say the same language as us. We say things like "I can't", "the economy is bad", "the sky is falling", "everyone is against me" etc etc etc". And when a positive person comes along and inject us with positive thoughts, we'll brush them away.

We set our own reality. We believe what we want to believe in. The same newspaper, read by different person, will have 2 different viewpoints. The one who thinks the economy is bad will look for all the news to support his stand. And the one who thinks the economy is good will look for all the news to support his stand. And when this 2 person sit down to discuss, they may end up arguing with each other.

Everything is neutral, just that we label it as right or wrong. We're all too engross into the right and wrong. Is it really that important? In schools, when we're right, we get the mark and when we're wrong, we get no marks. In society, when we're right, we get no marks, but when we're wrong, we minus marks.


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